Ecoclean Customer Service –
It’s all in the App!
The new Ecoclean Service App enables SBS Ecoclean Group customers to quickly and easily address service requests for their specific cleaning machine(s) to customer service. Whether it is for Ecoclean parts cleaning systems, ultrasonic cleaning systems from UCM or parts washing solutions from Mhitraa – with the Ecoclean Service App, customers can always have direct and fast contact to one of our more than 120 service employees worldwide.
The information and instructions required to fix a machine breakdown or for the maintenance of the system can be transmitted directly via the smartphone. The camera on the phone allows the help desk team to closely follow the work and take immediate action if something goes “awry”. Using the telephone and chat functions, queries can be immediately answered and/or instructions be provided. This state-of-the-art method of service support reduces long and expensive travel. It not only reduces system downtime but also CO2 emissions.

Your benefits at a glance:
- Easy, fast and direct contact to your nearest Ecoclean Service Center
- Quick and easy registration of your machine(s) and operating personnel
- Service requests linked to the specific machine by serial number
- Send error messages, service, spare parts, maintenance and training requests
- Fast reactivity thanks to mobile work directly on site at the machine
- Easy and fast communication with chat and video
Install the free Ecoclean service app now and benefit from the convenient and direct contact to your service support team! All you need is a smartphone, tablet or your office computer with Internet access. After a simple registration, you can manage all service issues related to your cleaning system via the app – fast, reliable and flexible.